TIP -Turn your thermostat down by 1°C

One suggestion we’ve heard is to turn your thermostat down by 1°C. This could save you £55 a year. 

Why the contribution is important

We all need to keep warm - heating your home is important but with higher prices paying energy bills may be difficult.

by Discuss_WCC on November 07, 2022 at 07:04PM

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  • Posted by alistairfox November 11, 2022 at 13:41

    Also check, or ask someone else to check that the boiler output temperature, the one that goes to the radiators, is set correctly. http://www.moneysavingboilerchallenge.com/
  • Posted by andyjerv November 11, 2022 at 15:46

    At the moment I'm only turning on the heating when required and not using the clock settings. I've turned my heating down by 3 or 4 degrees and covering myself and my wife with blankets. My first months bill on the new rates has gone up threefold from this time last year. My forecast from Octopus is I need to pay £241 a month. A lot of money out of 2 state pensions plus a very small private pension. Praying for a mild winter!
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