Feeling Happier

Do you have access to activities and entertainment with safe, secure, green and clean areas in which to play?

Why the contribution is important

We want you to have access activities and entertainment which can help you to be engaged and happy, what more could we do to improve this? 

by ChildFriendly_WCC on June 13, 2022 at 01:49PM

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  • Posted by jr12345 July 06, 2022 at 16:43

    Access to free astro turf pitches - like at St Nicks (warwick) however would be owned by the council
    - To make this more cost feasible you could have a facility without floodlights or have a lower quality pitch surface so there is still a demand for the paid pitches
  • Posted by OllyWarren11 August 04, 2022 at 17:15

    More football pitches with goals like Winfield Rec in Rugby.

    Parks with something for everyone such as cafes, football pitches and play equipment. Like Caldecott Park in Rugby.
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