Being listened to

How could you have a voice to shape where you live?

Why the contribution is important

Every child and young person is a member of our community and society. To truly be part of a county that is child friendly, your voice must be heard to help shape our future. We want to take every opportunity available to involve you in real decision making and allow your voices to make a difference. How do you think we could improve this?

by ChildFriendly_WCC on June 13, 2022 at 01:51PM

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Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by Maggie_Anne July 12, 2022 at 13:35

    I like the idea of a site like this to add ideas but more often and on specific questions and subjects. Things that would interest me are things like the environment and climate, local facilities, activities and opportunities for young people.
  • Posted by OllyWarren11 August 04, 2022 at 17:14

    Chance to give my views on line
  • Posted by Northwarks_YF August 09, 2022 at 08:12

    Hi all,

    I'm Adam I sit on Warwickshire Youth Council which aims to gives views views the young people of Warwickshire to the County Council. We also speak to other guests like Police and Crime Commissioner, charity's etc

    We also run a campaign each year so this year it is mental health. Which is obviously huge. If you want to get more info on this just tell me below I'll get in contact with our Project Worker to get more information to you. :)

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